A Non-hormonal Contraceptive Device
Here’s a brief comparison that’ll help you understand the drastic difference between Pill / Hormonal IUDs /Non-hormonal Copper IUDs and Silver IUDs.

Effect of Hormone on Health
Pills use multiple hormones to block sperm from entering the uterus, thereby disturbing the hormonal balance of the body. Similarly, hormonal IUDs essentially use hormones to block sperm from entering the uterus and negate pregnancy. On the contrary, Non-Hormonal Silver IUD uses a Cu-Ag combination to block sperm from entering the uterus and prevents pregnancy, thereby guarding the hormonal health of the user.

Proven Safe Reversible contraceptive Method
Long intrauterine life (up to 5 Years)
Highly convenient
Requires no daily attention
No touch technique is employed while the insertion
Can be used by women who cannot use Steroid Contraceptives
IUD is safe for all women including adolescents as well as women over 40
IUD is safe in women with pelvic inflammatory disease currently free from infection
Can be used as Emergency Contraception. To work for Emergency Contraception, it must be inserted within about 72 hours of unprotected intercourse
Easy to load
Hormone free
Immediately effective
Safe contraceptive for breast feeding women
Conception is possible after removal of SMB IUD
IUD is in place until removed by the health care provider
IUD is safe after abortion or miscarriage with no infection
IUD is safe in HIV-infected women on antiretroviral therapy and clinically well
Intrauterine Devices are in place until removed by the health care provider. Many women report that they are more spontaneous about having sex because the risk of pregnancy is low
Proven Safe Reversible contraceptive Method
Long Intrauterine Life (Up to 5 Years).
No Touch Technique is Employed during the Insertion.
Can be used by women who cannot use Steroid Contraceptives.
Safe in women with Pelvic Inflammatory Disease currently free from Infection.
Safe for all women including adolescents as well as women over 40.
Safe contraceptive for breastfeeding women.
IUD stays in place until removed by the health care provider.
Safe after abortion or miscarriage with no infection.
Safe in HIV-infected women on Antiretroviral therapy and clinically well
Pills use multiple hormones to block sperm from entering the uterus, thereby disturbing the hormonal balance of the body. Similarly, hormonal IUDs essentially use hormones to block sperm from entering the uterus and negate pregnancy. On the contrary, Non-Hormonal Silver IUD uses a Cu-Ag combination to block sperm from entering the uterus and prevents pregnancy, thereby guarding the hormonal health of the user.
Pills are temporary contraceptive solutions that are consumed orally on daily basis. Whereas Injectables has to be taken every three months. Non-hormonal IUDs / TCu 380Ag are proven to be the most convenient birth control method. Once inserted, the IUD / TCu 380Ag doesn’t need to be checked. It offers 5-year-long protection from pregnancy without any maintenance hassle. You enjoy 100% effectiveness without regular check-ups or runs to the doctor.
In the case of contraceptive pills & Injectables , consumers may face severe mood swings and nausea. Hormonal IUD may cause symptoms like mood swings, reduced interest in sex, nausea and sore breasts. The non-hormonal Silver IUD / TCu 380Ag don’t show any evidence for symptoms shown in the case of Hormonal IUDs and Pills & injectables.
Most women can get pregnant in 1-3 months after stopping the consumption of pills. The hormonal IUD is also a reversible contraceptive method. In case of Injectables the fertility resumes approximately 8-10 months later. Non-hormonal IUD and Silver IUD / TCu 380Ag can be removed at any time
and women can get pregnant provided they have no fertility complications as Ovulation starts within a month.
Contraceptive pills, Hormonal IUDs & injectables are not completely safe for women of child bearing age group. However, non-hormonal IUDs are proven to be non-surgical & free from hormonal procedures and are safe and suitable for nearly all women of child bearing age group. Silver IUD TCu 380Ag is safest for the usage of all women especially nulliparous women.
- Proven Safe Reversible Contraceptive Method.
- Long Intrauterine Life (Up to 5 Years).
- No Touch Technique is Employed during the Insertion.
- Safe in women with Pelvic Inflammatory Disease free from Infection.
- Conception is possible after removal of device.
- Requires NO Daily Attention.
- Highly Convenient.
- Safe for all women including adolescents as well as women over 40.
- Safe contraceptive for breastfeeding women.
- IUD stays in place until removed by the health care provider.
- Safe after abortion or miscarriage with no infection.
- Safe in HIV-infected women who are on Antiretroviral therapy.
- Can be used by women who cannot use Steroid Contraceptives.
- Easy to Load and insert, Hormone Free & Immediately Effective.

Proven Safe Reversible contraceptive Method
Long Intrauterine Life (Up to 5 Years).

No Touch Technique is Employed during the Insertion.
Can be used by women who cannot use Steroid Contraceptives.
Safe in women with Pelvic Inflammatory Disease currently free from Infection.
Safe for all women including adolescents as well as women over 40.
Safe contraceptive for breastfeeding women.
IUD stays in place until removed by the health care provider.
Safe after abortion or miscarriage with no infection.
Safe in HIV-infected women on Antiretroviral therapy and clinically well

Trusted By Medical Professionals and Industrial Experts

Pr. Jacky Nizard
"Professionals in Europe strongly believe that Silver IUDs are the best option for Nulliparous women to limit unwanted pregnancies over pills."
Pr. Jacky Nizard
Head of obstetrics at the department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Groupe Hospitalier Pitié Salpétrière, Sorbonne University - Paris

Mr. Patrick Choay
"SMB is one of the best manufacturing facilities I have ever seen for IUDs."
Mr. Patrick Choay
Paris - France

Ms. Joanna Ochędzan
“Team SMB thank you very much for providing various range of high quality IUDs”
Ms. Joanna Ochędzan

Mr. George Bournas
“Really happy with your high standard product and Services”
Mr. George Bournas

Mr. Serdar Tuglular
“Doctor in turkey are very much happy with the products of SMB especially the silver IUD which is available for all parity group.”
Mr. Serdar Tuglular

Dr. Neerja Bhatla
“Menstrual Changes like menorrhea, Polymenorrhoea, dysmenorrhoea and irregular periods were significantly less in SMB's Sliver IUD / TCU 380Ag Users .”
Dr. Neerja Bhatla
Head of the Department of obstetrics and gynecology, AIIMS, Delhi